Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thompson Christmas 2009

Well, going to try this again this year. Going cyber and hoping it gets to least the many who might want to see it. Mom did a Christmas letter....and I am using most of that....since I would be writting the same thing....and maybe adding something here and there.........but her letter is beautiful! Couldn't have said it better myself! Another reason for using Mom's letter is that I had a difficult time starting a letter this year.......SOO much has happened this year from one extreem to the, death, triumphs and tragedies.

so here goes the year in review......

Thompson/Hill Family 2009 in Review

January - started the new year with lots of hopes and plans for the year to come. Rachel began her 4th and final semster at college. Marah began the last half of her senior year, she and Tracey still babysitting. Luke and Kevin waiting for warmer days for hiking.

February – Barbara’s cousin Gary Lesniak, 58, from North Adams, MA passed away. Very sad, but a chance for Allan and Barbara to see all the family. They stayed with Linda for four days.

Exciting news that Donald & Jamey are expecting a baby in the fall!

March – HO HUM – still winter! We celebrated Tracey’s birthday at end of the month with lunch at the Olive Garden in Burlington. Gramma and Bapa went along for some of Marah’s doctor appointments (not that eating at Olive Garden wasn't a motivation!)

April – Kevin & Tracey took Marah to NIH in Bethesda for yearly review; then to Burlington hospital for a few days of tests. Not much change or any new revelations but some new medications to try.

May – Tim’s Dad, David Turck of Carthage, passed away at age 80 after a 10 year battle with liver cancer.

Rachel graduated from North Country Community College in Malone with a two year degree in Graphic Design.

May 16

June 26

June – Marah’s Senior Trip to NYC, Senior Prom with escort Kyle Cootware, and finally Graduation from St. Lawrence Central School. She hosted a very nice outdoor party with lots of family guests from Vermont. THANKS GUYS! Even had a family “Baby Shower Brunch” back in Chateaugay while they were here – THANKS AGAIN!!

July – Barbara taught Vacation Bible School at Victory Baptist Church in Winthrop the end of June beginning of July – drove the 45 miles out and back each evening for a week – there is life in the old gal yet! She had fun to teach 5th & 6th graders.

Luke and Kyle helping Breydon at VBS.

See if you can recognize 8 staff members!

August – The kids parked a camper in Gramma and Bapa's side yard so they could be closer to their work at the Franklin County Fair (food concession) and caring for Gramma Tish’s 2 dogs and 12 cats. Kevin’s Mom had back surgery in Burlington and has had a very long and difficult recovery. Gramma and Bapa's house was closer to Burlington and Kevin’s work in Malone so lightened their load a little. Lots of showers, laundry, and raspberry jam but great fun for Gramma & Bapa!

August also brought Allan & Barbara’s 44th wedding anniversary
– Thomas made us dinner!
Next day we hosted another baby shower for local family and friends.

Marah started college at SUNY Canton in Early Childhood Development. Her work study is tutoring in the Math Lab. Tracey was invited to set up her lap-top in the Math Lab to do her Medical Transcription work and has even substituted as a Math Tutor i nthe lab. Because Marah can’t drive, Tracey must take her to & from each day. Which has proved to be a good thing since Marah has had spells while in class and at school. She wants to go right home when they start happening. The staff have been extreemly understanding, though it does not affect Marah's grades or performance!

Kevin still works the night shift in the ER at the Malone hospital
and tries to hike the Adirondacks as often as he can.
Luke is a sophomore at SLC in the top 5 of his class and Rachel is doing day-care until she finds a full-time job. She is also doing quite a bit with her photography business. Has done several weddings and photo shoots as well as selling her pictures at craft fairs and through a local coffee house(Jernabi Coffee) where she has her work hanging.

Kevin, Luke & Kyle atop
Giant Mountain 8/27/09

September – This was a tough month! After a summer of tests and more tests, Leah had surgery on the 2nd in Rochester, NY. The “Whipple Procedure” removes parts of the pancreas, stomach, small intestines and bile duct. The original diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has been changed to Ampullary Cancer which is a bit more insidious. She has finished her first round of chemotherapy and will begin 5 weeks of daily radiation at Christmas time, followed by 6 more weeks of chemo.
Her prognosis is excellent – the doctors believe they got all the tumor on her pancreas and the treatments are precautionary. We are so thankful for all the prayers, concerns, phone calls, cards and gifts. Our faith in God has sustained us all!
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust;
I will not be afraid.”
Psalms 56: 3 & 4

At the end of the month Marah had a serious “spell” at school and 9 more to follow. Doctors directed Tracey & Kevin to bring her to the Burlington ER where she was admitted for a few days of further testing. She had a severe reaction to new seizure medication and so is off that type of meds for awhile. Still no answers as to cause or reason for these spells……..

October – Jamey & Donald bought a trailer and placed it on a rented lot in town. When money and time allow, they plan to move it to the property they own behind Gramma and Bapa on McCormick Road. They only slept in their new home 4 nights when Allan James Hill was born on October 8th. He was a big boy at 9 lbs. ½ oz. and 21½ inches long. Bapa was very pleased with his name which was a surprise – quite a tribute! Little Allan is a great joy – very bright, happy, content and GROWING!

Playing at Gramma & Bapa’s

On October 11th a tragic ATV accident took the life of dear friend Kyle Cootware, aged 15. Tracey started babysitting Kyle when he was 2 years old and he was brother and best friend, a huge part of our lives. Such a great loss for his Mom, Dad, 4 year old brother Breydon, grandparents, and friends, as well as our family. Again, our faith has given us strength and comfort to get through this terrible loss. It is a comfort to know that Kyle knew our Lord Jesus Christ and had accepted him as savior and now is at home in heaven.

A poem written by Tracey in response to their loss explains in-part what Kyle means to their family. Tracey read it at the funeral.

Another Brother

He came, this freckled faced little kid
Who didn’t talk and wouldn’t eat.
He seemed much quieter than the others
But he quickly became another brother

When he and Luke were alone to play
The prattle could go on all day
But when my shadow darkened the door
The words and chatting were no more.

They chased the sisters all around
And teased them with lots of noise and sound
The screaming, laughter and the giggles,
Seemed to flow out in ripples.

For mountain hikes and trips where ever
VBS student or a helper,
youth events with all night games
Another brother always came

Birthdays and family gatherings that ended in marshmallow gun fights
whether in tents, garages, or lean-tos; sleepovers into the night
wet and muddy clothes meaning someone had to share
Another brother was always there

To take one sister to her prom, he even stepped in and did his part
Wearing pink with black and looking very sharp
Of course they ALL went out to eat, having lots of food
Because, of course, that’s what brothers and sisters do.

Through it all; good times, rough times,
Laughter, tears and fun
To the girls he was another brother
but to Luke he was the one.

October 13, 2009
by Tracey Thompson in Loving memory of
Kyle Joseph Cootware

Gramma's only trick-or-treaters
A pirate, “Bapa”, Princess Leia and Hans Solo

November – Rachel & Thomas celebrated their one year anniversary of dating with dinner out and roses.

Photo by
Rachel Thompson Photography

- Grandma Kenyon’s three sisters came for a couple of days at the beginning of the month.
Aunt Kay & Uncle Ed Somerville from Missouri brought Aunt Shirley Lesniak & Aunt Phyllis Toniatti from North Adams to see little Allan James. They saw all Barbara's children and grandchildren and their visit touched her heart because they make her feel closer to her Mom – we all miss her so much!

Leah spent 3 days in the hospital the weekend before Thanksgiving – her first bout of pancreatitis in 12 years! She & Tim did make it to Tracey’s for Thanksgiving dinner! That evening the kids took us to the movies to see “A Christmas Carol” – our first 3-D movie ever – COOL!

December – A time to reflect. Allan & Barbara are well except for the aches and pains associated with the “golden years”. Doctors and pill bottles are their best friends! Allan still drives school bus and spends a lot of time in the garden but he has relaxed a bit from the old days on the farm. He is Donald’s best handyman!

Barbara loves her roses and picking green beans, and occasionally substitutes at school. Looking forward to some baby responsibilities when Jamey goes back to work on January 4th. Barbara is so happy to be retired and available for her family. (And boy has she been needed!!)

At this season we are grateful for our family and dear friends. We pray for those who will struggle during this season, but know that God can and will sustain. As Tracey has told her children and others through-out this year....."We have to trust God. He has it ALL in His hand!"

May YOU feel the love of God this Christmas and through-out the year and be held in the palm of His hand.

Holiday Blessings

Luke and his best friend.... Luke's 10th grade picture