Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017

2017 in a word?!

January bringing the birth of grandchild number 4, through November with the birth of grandchild number 5!!  With LOTS in between!

A quick recap:
January 25th - 3 days before our Noah turned 3, Benjamin Luke was born to Luke and Talitha. 

Joining his brother Charles Josheph....who turned 1 on February 13!

In May Kevin and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary with a 2 day trip away to Clayton NY...stayed at a beautiful place called the Thousand Island Harbor Hotel, I would highly recommend to anyone!

Thomas had been at the NYS Court Officers academy for 14 weeks!  Quite an intense training!  The graduation June 20th was very moving!  And God answered prayers and Thomas was assigned to the Courthouse in Canton...a 30 minute drive from home!

The usual busyness for the summer months with Father's Day, our church's Vacation Bible School, putting hay in at Luke's, 4th of July /1st anniversary/Tim's 60th birthday celebrations at Leah and Tim's.

Aunt Bobby, Charles and Granpa Ron

The fall was very different for me as all my kiddlings grew up on me and are in school!  So Marah and I no longer have children to watch. 
Great Gramma and Lydia

Papa and Lydia
                ALL our Kids!

Had a family gathering on October 22 with Aunt Janice, who drove up from Vermont.  Lots of fun playing outside in the fall beauty!          

At the end of last year I had gotten a per diem job at Alice Hyde Medical Center where Kevin and Luke work.  Sitting for patients that need constant observation.  I then got a second job to work two 4 hour shifts as a night receptionist.  Well, the part  time receptionist moved to full time, so I was her fill in until they hired some one.  Then the full time wanted to move back to part time....SO I am filling in full time until they hire some one.  AND NOW  she is done all together.  so I am filling in for full time and part time until they hire 2 someones!   Thank the Lord I am per diem, because that allows me to work when I can and take care of the other commitments I have as well...like the NEWEST grandbaby!

November 15 Miss Hannah Marie joined our family!  Between Marah and I we were/are able to give Rachel a hand once Thomas went back to work!  Noah and Lydia are big helpers! Rachel and Thomas's household has gotten busier!  But much more fun!
On December 15th Lydia turned 2 years old...the same day Hannah turned 1 month!

Marah also has been helping Luke and Talitha with the boys several mornings a week as Talitha helps her parents with their family bread route business. Luke is still an ICU RN at Alice Hyde Medical Center.  Marah is still DJing when she can.  She actually traveled to Syracuse in September to do Andrew's brother's wedding!  Andrew?  OH!  Andrew Phillips is a young man who has been around for a couple years being a friend, and patiently waiting, and at some time this summer/fall Marah realized she cared for him much more than a friend!

Leah is doing well, as you can see.  Though she will be starting chemo again (after about 3 month respite) on January 2nd.  Keep her in your prayers.  Tim and she are grandparents of 2 boys....and they love it!  November 10th Leah turned 50 and some of us were able to go down to celebrate with her!  It is truly something to celebrate.
50 and FABULOUS!

Mom and Dad are doing well, plugging along. Mom is doing physical therapy right now, back and legs give her trouble....she has quite a bit of weakness. She uses her cane all the time now.
But they still make the hour drive to church every Sunday and we all have dinner here at my house, so they get to see the great grandchildren most every Sunday!

Some of us went out in early December for our annual tree decorating at Gramma and Bapa's

I am glad that I didn't get this finished BEFORE Christmas as now I am able to put Marah's news!  She and Andrew became engaged on Christmas Eve!  They went for a moonlight (though I don't know if you could see the moon!) snowshoe trek and ......

So sweet and we couldn't be more pleased!

All our kids are busy, as you can imagine, with the children as well as projects and upkeep of homes and properties!  But they are healthy and happy.

Oh, I should probably mention a little project I have; for those of you who know me well enough will understand how crazy this is!  I "inherited" 12 chickens from Luke during a "corporate downsizing"!(he was getting rid of all his animals)   They finally started to lay eggs after eating and messing and not cooperating for several months.  Don't really like chickens...unless they are roasted or fried! But I love the eggs!  And I have even had enough excess eggs to give a few away! 

The grandkids
like the

One Sunday not long ago as I sat in church during the worship service...with ALL my children, and their significant others, and their children, in various places around me..(and my parents)..I was moved to tears...of joy of course, that we have been so truly blessed!  And I do my best NOT take any of it for granted!  
I am grateful to God for ALL His blessings, for His provision, for His constant watchful care, and for answered prayer!

I pray this season..and through-out the New Year you see God in all things and give Him the praise and honor!
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!
Tracey & Kevin

In my haste to get this out I omitted a paragraph! Kevin's family is doing well.  Kevin, his sister Donna, and her daughter Alix,  were going to do an extensive 133 mile, 8 day hike in July, but things did not work out as they had wanted or planned.  If you want to read more about their experience click on this link God is in the Discouragment

In August Kevin's dad had surgery to remove colon cancer.  They got it all, and he didn't even need treatments!  Praise God!  He and Marsha are south for the winter, missing all this frigid weather!
AND Christmas eve Kevin's younger sister, Bobby Jo got engaged ...same night as Marah!!!😊😊❤

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